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Flexible Laminated Strips

Flexible Laminated Strips are used to indicate the presence and the intensity of the magnetic field during magnetic particle inspection. The strips are to be positioned on the tested surface. The indications produced on the strips give the inspector a general idea of the field strength in that specific area. Supplied in a pack of five strips.

In compliance with: ASTM E1444

Part NumberRef.
04089694: Set of 5 Strips Type I Brass − General Use
04089696: Set of 5 Strips Type II Silver − Aerospace Use

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    CGM CIGIEMME S.p.A. designs and manufactures a complete range of Magnetic Testing (MT) and Penetrant Testing (PT) systems, from simple equipment to highly customized systems, also offering a complete range of consumables, tools, accessories and instruments used in the MT and PT fields.


    CGM CIGIEMME S.P.A. - N°REG.IMPR., C.F. E P.I.: 05732470967 - N° REA: MI -1843908 - CAPITALE SOCIALE: € 500.000.00 I.V. - powered by 3Bit