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6° Railway Conference

The Italian Association of Non-Destructive Testing (AIPnD) has organised a conference on “The evolution of the NDT Process to guarantee the development of railway transport”, which will take place on Thursday 3 and Friday 4 April 2025 at the Parc Hotel Paradiso & Golf Resort in Peschiera del Garda (VR). The development of the railway market must necessarily take into account the constant increase in both passenger and freight transport, which implies a corresponding increase in the operating performance of rolling stock and its subassemblies. For this reason, the design and production of trains and all the equipment concerning them must be state-of-the-art in order to meet the growing demands of the railway world.

CGM CIGIEMME S.p.A. is well aware that the NDT industry must also follow this trend in order to guarantee adequate levels of safety both in production and in operation: we have always been at the forefront in supplying the most sophisticated wheels and axles testing systems.

We are therefore pleased to participate in the initiative and contribute to the success of the event as Gold Sponsor: for those who want to greet us, we will be present with a stand.

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Apr 03 - 04 2025


All Day


Parc Hotel Paradiso & Golf Resort
Via Coppo, 2, 37019 Peschiera del Garda VR

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    CGM CIGIEMME S.p.A. designs and manufactures a complete range of Magnetic Testing (MT) and Penetrant Testing (PT) systems, from simple equipment to highly customized systems, also offering a complete range of consumables, tools, accessories and instruments used in the MT and PT fields.


    CGM CIGIEMME S.P.A. - N°REG.IMPR., C.F. E P.I.: 05732470967 - N° REA: MI -1843908 - CAPITALE SOCIALE: € 500.000.00 I.V. - powered by 3Bit