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Cabin penetrating liquid systems involve the application of penetrating liquid on the surface of the piece being examined by spraying inside cabins equipped with an optimal suction system. Spraying can be a standard spraying or, more modern, electrostatic method.

This type of plant is usually used for medium-large sized pieces, for which the immersion of the piece would become difficult to manage. Given their great flexibility, they can also be used when the dimensional range of the pieces is wide and varied.

The handling of the pieces and the application of the products can be manual or totally automatic, depending mainly on the required productivity. CGM CIGIEMME S.p.A. has developed fully automatic booth lines, where the only manual operations are the loading / unloading of parts and the inspection.

Work cabins can have different dimensions depending on the pieces to be processed. The number of cabins may vary depending on the space available and the cycles required. The implants allow the use of different penetrant sensitivities (S2, S3 and S4).

CGM CIGIEMME S.P.A. systems are CE marked and realized in accordance with the rules in force.

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    CGM CIGIEMME S.p.A. designs and manufactures a complete range of Magnetic Testing (MT) and Penetrant Testing (PT) systems, from simple equipment to highly customized systems, also offering a complete range of consumables, tools, accessories and instruments used in the MT and PT fields.


    CGM CIGIEMME S.P.A. - N°REG.IMPR., C.F. E P.I.: 05732470967 - N° REA: MI -1843908 - CAPITALE SOCIALE: € 500.000.00 I.V. - powered by 3Bit