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CLT Group: our Partner for Telecommunications

 CLT Group has been providing for more than ten years now, the excellent service for CGM’s telephone and computer network. Thanks to their knowledge and professionalism, we can work with a convenient, fast and efficient system today.

Recently, Matteo Pettinari, our Technical Assistant Manager, was contacted by CLT Group for an interview, which formed the basis for the drafting of their new Case History article.

It was a pleasure for us to answer their questions and, by telling our experience and contribute in the creation of the newspaper article, which you can read at the below web site:

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    CGM CIGIEMME S.p.A. designs and manufactures a complete range of Magnetic Testing (MT) and Penetrant Testing (PT) systems, from simple equipment to highly customized systems, also offering a complete range of consumables, tools, accessories and instruments used in the MT and PT fields.
    CGM CIGIEMME S.P.A. - N°REG.IMPR., C.F. E P.I.: 05732470967 - N° REA: MI -1843908 - CAPITALE SOCIALE: € 500.000.00 I.V. - powered by 3Bit