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UVG3 2.0 Midlight

UVG3 2.0 Midlight is a powerful, penetrant resistant and with an Ingress Protection 68 (IP68 Waterproof) UV-A flashlight. Beam profile is large and smooth covering an area of Ø 3.8 inches/9.5 cm and generating an intensity of 9000 µW/cm2 from a distance of 38 cm (15 inches). Battery running time is 8 hours. UVG3 2.0 Midlight has been tested to comply with ASTM E3022-18 and ISO 3059-12 standards as well as USAF requirements. UVG3 2.0 Midlight also complies with Airbus AITM6-1001 at a working distance of 21 inches (53 cm).

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    CGM CIGIEMME S.p.A. designs and manufactures a complete range of Magnetic Testing (MT) and Penetrant Testing (PT) systems, from simple equipment to highly customized systems, also offering a complete range of consumables, tools, accessories and instruments used in the MT and PT fields.


    CGM CIGIEMME S.P.A. - N°REG.IMPR., C.F. E P.I.: 05732470967 - N° REA: MI -1843908 - CAPITALE SOCIALE: € 500.000.00 I.V. - powered by 3Bit